Results of radio amateurs activity in the RFF (Russian Flora and Fauna) award program for 2019 are summarised.

Comparing to results of previous year, the results of 2019 can be represented in one picture:

Results in general

214 logs from 26 individual activators, who activated 116 RFF-references and conducted a total of 20’387 QSO, were uploaded to WWFF Logsearch.

Also 4 teams conducted 3’494 QSOs while activating seven RFF references (8 logs):

  • RZ9SFF from RFF-0398 — 236 QSO;
  • RK9LWZ (and RP74P) from RFF-0137 — 2’243 QSO;
  • R3ARS/4 from RFF-0037, 0067, 0140 and 0171 — 854 QSO;
  • UB5O/M from RFF-0683 — 161 QSO.

Thus, 26 individual operators and 4 teams activated 119 RFF-references, and 23'881 QSOs with 6'452 correspondents were conducted in total.
It is impossible to say unequivocally, is 2019 better than 2018, or worse.
There are 2.7 times more activations, almost 2.5 times more references activated in 2019, what is undoubtedly much more than in 2018.
At the same time, the total number of activators, as well as the number of their QSOs, remained almost the same, and the number of hunters was only 60% compared to 2018.

A year ago, we suggested that QSOs with still 1–2...4 RFF references may probably be random, but already with 5 and more — most likely, demonstrate a certain interest of the operator to Flora & Fauna programs. What came out in 2019?

843 hunters vs. 537 in the previous year conducted
12’050 QSOs compared to 4’798 in the previous year.

On the background of an undeniably noticeably increased number of qualified activations, the specific “weight” of one qualified activation significantly decreased:

2018 2019 QSO
193 185 per reference
131 98 per activation

activations percentage depending on the QSO amount in one activation
59% 69% up to 100 per activation
25% 22% 100–199 per activation
11% 6% 200–299 per activation
5% 3% 300 and more per activation

Probably, the explanation for such ambiguous results may be:

  • on the one hand, the degradation of propagation in 2019 compared to 2018, which made more difficult QSO conducting, especially using low output power,
  • and on the other hand, the implementation of the Rating, a side effect of which turned out boosting the quantity of activated references at the cost the minimum QSO number from one reference.

Perhaps the emergence of a new WWFF award for activators will slightly improve to the better the situation in 2020.

The Rating

The real competition, did not subside until the very last December days, launched between the activators for the first place. There Crimeans got themselves ahead by a considerable margin from the others. Both Valery R7KFF and Victor RA7K activated 41 references in 2019. But, since there “can be only one champion”, we had to consider additional parameters — for example, the total number of RFF QSOs conducted by each of them: R7KFF — 2800 and RA7K — 2511 QSO.

Thus, R7KFF takes I place and RA7K — II place.
III place is deservedly taken by our Rising Star — Ilya UB3APM (novice category callsign) until recently, then R2ATW (general category callsign), and now R5AF (highest, extra class). Ilya quickly mastered operating on the air in whole, and field operation, and, most surprisingly, he mastered CW in the shortest possible time, skilled to transmit by vertical and electronic keys, mastered mechanical semiautomatic key (the so-called vibroplex), and already confidently conducting QSO at a speed of 25, and even more WPM. Desire is Power!

A certaint first place among hunters in the World is taken by Vlado OM1AX, our constant chaser and assistant in almost all of our outings. Just a little behind him are Arthur SP8LEP (II) and Jukka OH3GZ (III).

There are no surprises among Russian hunters this year. As well as in the past 2018, I and II places are occupied by Valery UA4PKN and Alexander RW4PP with a minimum gap from each other. It should be noted the minimum gap from each other is not only in the Rating, but also on the air — the time between their answers on our CQs often not exceed 1–2 minutes. Crimeans here also remind of themselves — Alexander RA7KW took III place.

Valery R7KFF and Vlado OM1AX get honored prizes and all the winners of the RFF Rating get remembrance certificates. Prizes and certificates have already been produced and will be mailed to the nominees in the nearest future.

It was also decided to encourage the best hunters on continents with remembrance certificates:

  • KD1CT, Robert L Emory with 15 RFF references in North America;
  • ZL1TM, Andrei Chatalov with 8 RFF references in Oceania;
  • 4Z4DX, Dov Gavish with 34 RFF references in Asia.

The best Russian RFF CW operators (maximum number of QSOs) — Valery R7KFF (2800 CW QSO) as activator and Alexander RW4PP (111 CW QSO) as hunter do not go unnoticed. “The Keys Connecting Continents” books will be mailed to them with an autograph of author — Valery Alekseevich Pakhomov UA3AO, an excellent CW operator and key collector.

Also, as soon as we catch Pavel RU5A, he will get from us...
…encouraging prize for the highest among all activators the average QSO number (161.5) per one reference. This will be a powerbank, which will not allow Pavel’s smartphone (or GPS-navigator) to discharge when Pavel, hopefully, will begin to go more far into the forest away from his car.

The RFF 2019 Rating charts are placed below at the bottom of the page.


Prizes and remembrance certificates of the RFF Rating 2019

Prizes and remembrance certificates were mailed to all winners of the RFF Rating 2019 Top-10 activators and Top-44 hunters, thereby the line under the 2019 results is finally drawn.

Welcome to the year 2020. The new RFF 2020 Rating charts have already been published, anyone interested — stay tuned.

RFF Team

It were added 213 new references — RFF-0754...0966 (232 references, RFF-0522...0753, were added in 2018) to the RFF Directory in 20 Entities of the Russian Federation.

GPS tracks have been implemented as a necessary (and enough) evidence (proof) of the activator’s location within the boundaries of the protected area since the end of March.
Work started to prepare RFF reference boundaries in the form of GPX files for using in various GPS navigation programs. At the moment the boundaries of all RFF references in Moscow city and Moscow oblast, Karelia, the Bryansk oblast and in part some other oblasts are completed. This work requires a lot effort and is carried out step by step as time allows.
Therefore, if you need the boundaries of some specific territory, contact the coordinator in advance to get the required boundaries out of turn.

Finally we finished out some of the RFF awards, and it will be possible to apply for awards of WWFF Series (RFF-H and RFF-A) on the WWFF website since the end of January/beginning of February. The issuance of the “Sanctuary Russia” Series awards should also start in the same 2020 year.

What's new

In accordance with the precedent, if pretenders for same awarded place in the TOP-10 or TOP-44 have the same number of references at the end of the year, the number of QSOs conducted by each of them will be considered as an additional factor.

A referential indicator will be added into TOP-10 activators chart — the average QSO number per 1 activation.

Based on the practice of the previous two years, there are RFF “activators”, who indicated the RFF reference while on the air, but sent no logs for uploading either in a month, or in three, or in half a year... who did not send it at all. Or those, who failed (or did not want) to provide proof of their location within the boundaries of the respective protected territory during supposed activation, so activation could not be accepted. A list of those “activators” appears on our website since 2020. Decide yourself whether it’s worth getting involved into pile-up for QSO, spending time and making efforts if it still does not give you the desired RFF reference onto your count.

The sections “Announcements”, “Forum” and “QRP Marathon” will be removed as unclaimed on our website.

activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1–2R7KFF41 1OM1AX105 1UA4PKN90

RFF Rating 2024
RFF Rating 2023. Results
RFF Rating 2022. Results
RFF Rating 2021. Results
RFF Rating 2020. Results
RFF Rating 2018. Results
Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating


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