August 6th. QRV at 430 Mhz / 50 Mhz from Hakkaisan Shrine (1540 m) climbed for 1 hour from Happagahara Omoro-dai (Tochigi Prefecture).
430 Mhz is 10 elements, 50 Mhz is EFHW vertical. Arrived at Hakkaisan Shrine around 8:30 AM Antenna installation after break. 430 Mhz FM TH - K 40, 50 Mhz SSB FT - 817 It was fine until 10 o'clock but the gas came up and the weather quickly withdrew. It was 17 QSO. My wife carries food and water.
Grid: PM96vv Marker: 36° 54' 5'' N 139° 47' 55'' E // Lat 36.901347 Lon 139.798493
de JH1DIS 73
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Thanks Yoshio for another good account, complete with map and wife! 73