It was a 10 km trekking.Altitude from 1600 m to 2051 m.Kami-Nixtukawa Pass - >Thunder Rock ->Mt Oyafuchinokashira(1950m)->Daibosatu Pass -> Mt Kumasawa - Ishimaru Pass -> Kami-Nixtukawa takes about 6 hours(include Break, lunch and QRV)
HF is impossible, so 430 MHz FM + 3 ele Yagi.Shortening setup time. I had 10 contact from 1950m.QRV at Mt Oyafuchinokashira.(Break andlunch)
JS1SWI was calling me , He was QRV from Sota JA/KN 020(Mt Gongendaira 500 m) . his setup was18Mhz,21Mhz,50Mhz and 430Mhz(Handy whip anntena 100wm).After QSO.I went to the next pass.The weather was fine and it was a nice day.Latitude: 35.738118 Longitude: 138.851953 Locator: PM95KR27 (map, sat, terrain)