Only those SPNAs may be credited for the WWFF award program, which are registered in the WWFF Directory and unique numbers that look like RFF-nnnn for Russian SPNAs (where nnnn is a unique four-digit number) have assigned for them.

National coordinators are involved in the maintenance of the national reference list in each country participating in WWFF. Their task is to check and monitor the relevance (existing SPNAs can be reorganized or liquidated, their boundaries may change, etc.) and registration of new references (a significant number of existing SPNAs are still not registered in the program, besides that, new SPNAs may be created).

No one supported especially the list of Russian references for a long time, and some changes were happen with Russian SPNAs in the list during the existence of the WWFF program since the list was accepted to WWFF as an “inheritance” from the previous, now abandoned WFF award program. Some SPNAs were liquidated, some SPNAs reorganized, merged, changed their status, name or boundariers. Some of the references were assigned to territories that are not SPNAs in general. Some of the references were assigned to areas, where SPNA were planned to be established, but they are still not established or even projects were cancelled.

The current list with all these flaws can be found on the WWFF website. Below we begin to publish a basic list of verified references, there is only the most general information, including the region, RDA reference, the type of SPNA, the validity of the reference and the state of the activation we know. In the future, we will provide detailed reference information with coordinates, contact details, maps of the territory, links, etc. for each, or for most references.

For ease of use we provided the list with tools for searching, sorting and filtering of records. We suppose that their work can be easily understood without any further explanation.

The structure of the Directory table:

  • RFF — a reference (number), regardless of whether it is valid or not.

  • Short name — name of protected areas, simplified/shortened for convenience. The full official name of the SPNA will be given in the additional info later.

  • SPNA type — simplified classification of SPNA types. To a large extent, the protection regime, and hence the possibility of access/stay in the territory depends on the type of SPNA.

  • Region — the designation of the subject of the Russian Federation understandable to the majority of radio amateurs: oblast, kray, republic, etc.

  • RDA — a list of districts by RDA where the relevant SPNA is located. You can search by RDA using the "Search" form on the right above the directory table.

  • Continent — hidden column, displaying can be turned on by clicking the “Columns To Show” button.

  • Last activation — hidden column. The date of the last reference activation known to us. If the reference has not yet been activated, or the activation date is unknown (the logs were not provided for crediting to WWFF), the column contains a dash.

  • Total activations — hidden column. The total number of the reference activations known to us.

  • Total QSO — hidden column. The total number of QSO, conducted from the reference and credited in WWFF.

  • Valid — “yes”, “no” or, if necessary, from which date or to which date the reference is valid.

  • Remarks — various information in free form, mainly, additional RDA-areas. It also indicates why the reference is planned for deletion (finaliy removal/validity mark in the “Valid” column is made only after we edit the reference in the WWFF Directory on the website and the editing is approved by WWFF Directory manager).

  • Updated — date of publication or last update of the reference information on our website.

Information about next references added to the basic list, important updates, registration of new references, etc. is published in the news on the main page and in e-mail newsletters, freely available to subscribtion on the main page of our website.

Do not hesitate to contact the RFF coordinator or RFF log manager for any questions related to RFF by e-mail or by any other way available to you.