The WWFF award program has its own autoscoring system and issues a lot of electronic certificates. You need to register on the official website of the program — to apply and get them . Since registered, you will get full access to your personal score, both an activator or a hunter, and will able to apply automatically for a number of awards, both global WWFF and national or special, issued for QSO with special callsigns, special events or short term.
So, let us consider what is needed for this. First, enter to the site and you will see:

If you are already registered on the site, click “Log in” in the left column and skip the next few steps. If not, click on the “Register” link.

First of all, enter “User name”. Note, use only your callsign, not the nicknames that you use in various forums and social networks!
Then enter your e-mail address, which will be used later for awards receiving.
Next, fill in three fields:
– Primary callsign — your main callsign;
– Continent — your continent (drop-down list);
– DXCC — your country designation by DXCC list (for example, RA, RA2 or RA9).
After filling in these basic fields, click on the “Register” button below and wait for the admin's approving of registration to your e-mail.
Since your registration is approved, you can log in the website, change password of your account, add another (previous) callsigns you used.

As for the last: all your previous callsigns will be taken into account in your overall score if you indicated them in your profile. In addition, if your personal callsign was indicated as the team operator's callsign in the uploaded team's or special temporary callsign's log, the Logsearch will take into account all QSO you conducted under those callsigns also to your personal score. Awards are issued to your primary callsign.
If you forgot your password for some reason, you can restore it by clicking the link “Lost your password?”
Now you proceed to the most interesting thing, namely, applying of awards that you have earned. To do this, click on the “Logsearch” menu at the page top:

And you get into the form, where all your callsigns are listed, and where you can select the period for the search, as well as your role — “Hunter” or “Activator”. You can remain everything default and click the “Search” button.

The search will take some time, because, as you can see in the illustration, 13'206'338 logs from 24'348 references in 142 DXCC countries were loaded into the database at the time of this writing. This is a quite popular award program in the world!
So, at the next page you are getting access to all information found for your callsigns.

Here you can already send applications for global WWFF awards. If you see the “Apply” word, then you can hardily click the button! The Logsearch will automatically generate an application and will send it to the manager responsible for this award..

You will also get confirmation of sending the application for a specific award on your e-mail, specified during registration. After accepting the application, the awards manager will check it and send you an electronic certificate by e-mail. Usually, it takes from 2 days to a week, depending on free time of that awards manager.
To obtain national awards, for example, RFF series, you need to choose the page of national awards by clicking on the “National Awards” button.

Here is everything the same: check, what awards and degree of award can you apply (depending of the award terms — move cursor over button and tip will appear). If an award is completed, the “Apply …” words are on the button. The procedure is the same as for general WWFF awards — click the button and get your earned award by e-mail shortly.

The RFF-H and RFF-A awards are first one for “hunters” and second one for “activators”.
As you can see, everything is quite simple. Happy hunting and see you on air!
73/44! Stan (UA3LMR)