Z33IKN, Z31RA and Z35M portable

Z33IKN, Z31RA and Z35M portable

Relaxed portable near Skopje testing different antennas and taking part in WPX SSB Contest.
FT-857D and FT-450AT at 5 W, G5RV at 5 m, HP-1 vertical.

On the photo: Igor, Z33IKN and Antonio, Z31RA

JH1DIS //spring activity days 20170401
Пришел марток - одевай сто порток! (с)


RN3ANT в 26.03.2017 23:49

Cool! It looks like a warm spring. And winter has came back to us again, it is intensive snowing whole night, all around is white again.

Cool! It looks like a warm spring. And winter has came back to us again, it is intensive snowing whole night, all around is white again.
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