JH1DIS //spring activity days 20170401

JH1DIS //spring activity days 20170401

I went to Miura Peninsula on April 1.
(35° 15' 20'' N139° 36' 46'' E ) PM95tg.The altitude is 160 m high.
The weather was rain, temperature 7 degrees, north wind 12~15 knots(max).
So The operation in a car.
FT-817 Signaling USB , Bluetooth GPS for JT65/JT9 time sync.
The antenna is mobile whip.I prepared for EFHW and MLA, but did not set it up because it was rainy.
Lithium polymer battery 5100mA, The PC works with internal organs battery for ten hours.

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Israel and Moscow, Sochi were surprised.
Tasmania Indonesia can QSO easily with sea surface reflection.
I did not think Sergey RU0ALK(Achinsk) QSO at SSB. He picked me up.

I had 9 QSO.
JT65 17m
4Z5ML 9000km , Israel He pick my signal -26 .
Vk7YUM 8500km Tasmania
RX3DTN Moskovskaya
YB6DE Indonesia
UN8PY Kazakhstan
UN7LZ Kazakhstan
PSK31 15m
RW6AU 8000km Sochi
SSB 17m
JS6EOG Okinawa and
RU0ALK Achinsk, Krasnoyarsky(4000Km)

Первый первоапрельский радиопоход выходного дня
Z33IKN, Z31RA and Z35M portable


RN3ANT в 04.04.2017 22:50

Yoshio, that is cool! And let's try MLA! We are waiting for your MLA experience! ))

Yoshio, that is cool! And let's try MLA! We are waiting for your MLA experience! ))
JH1DIS в 06.04.2017 11:53

Hello Vitaly
I try MLA at next week. It is a rainy forecast this weekend.

Hello Vitaly I try MLA at next week. It is a rainy forecast this weekend.
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