2017/11/29 Cape Futtsu AO-91 PM95VH73


I went to Cape Futtsu. Nov 29 2017
It is fine weather, temperature is 19 degrees, south wind 1 knot.
Cape Futtsu is located in the entrance of Tokyo Bay.

I tried the latest FM satellite AO-91 from Cape Futtsu.And 2 QSO (JA6 and JA1).
Sometimes I could not hear it in QRM.I heard Russia(UA0), Korea and China, too.
AOS is around 12:38, I eat lunch and wait. A motor paraglider flew away.

Cape Futtsu
Latitude: 35.306597 Longitude: 139.811806
Locator: PM95VH73KO (map, sat, terrain)

Осенний марафон
2017/10/27 Daibosatu Pass & Ishimaru Pass PM95KR2...


GW0VBC в 30.11.2017 09:36

Thank you Yoshio for sharing your trip with us. It is a good blend of different views and your 19 degrees is a nice break from our current 0! 73

Thank you Yoshio for sharing your trip with us. It is a good blend of different views and your 19 degrees is a nice break from our current 0! 73
JH1DIS в 30.11.2017 11:39

Hello Matthew
It was like the spring weather on the day, In Japan, the temperature is rapidly changing up and down.but today it will become less than 10 degrees and it will become colder and colder.

See you

Hello Matthew It was like the spring weather on the day, In Japan, the temperature is rapidly changing up and down.but today it will become less than 10 degrees and it will become colder and colder. See you
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