“Make nature your shack!”
WWFF, World Wide Flora and Fauna in Amateur Radio, is encouraging to leave your shack and go outside portable operating in protected nature parks all over the world.
More than 20.000 nature parks world wide are already registered in our WWFF Directory. Hunters and Activators can apply for colorful awards, globally and national.
The Russian part of WWFF is called the RFF — Russian Flora and Fauna… Read more…
is most useful when you can not take out your computer to your DX-pedition or into fields — you log QSOs on a paper...
Latest processed logs
RFF reference activation logs are no longer uploaded to WWFF Logsearch since May 2024, but are processed only within RFF, which no longer participates in WWFF
Processed Date | Reference | Callsign | Operator | Activation Date |
2024/10/28 | RFF-0084 | RY0AAN/p | R0AD | 2024/10/12 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-0135 | R3DFE/p | R3DFE | 2024/08/10 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-0135 | R0AD/p | R0AD | 2024/08/10 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-0135 | RY0AAN/p | RY0AAN | 2024/08/10 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-0568 | UB4AFO/p | UB4AFO | 2024/08/18 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-0568 | UA4AVN/p | UA4AVN | 2024/08/18 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-0353 | RA7KW/p | RA7KW | 2024/09/20 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-0353 | R7KTA/p | R7KTA | 2024/09/20 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-0353 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/09/20 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-1869 | RA7KW/p | RA7KW | 2024/08/25 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-1869 | R7KTA/p | R7KTA | 2024/08/25 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-1869 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/08/25 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-1455 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/08/03 |
2024/10/15 | RFF-0401 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/07/28 |
2024/07/25 | RFF-1585 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/07/21 |
2024/07/20 | RFF-0145 | RA8AL/p | RA8AL | 2024/07/13 |
2024/07/20 | RFF-1936 | R7KTA/p | R7KTA | 2024/07/07 |
2024/07/20 | RFF-1936 | RA7KW/p | RA7KW | 2024/07/07 |
2024/07/20 | RFF-1936 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/07/07 |
2024/07/20 | RFF-1248 | R1SA/p | R1SA | 2024/07/11 |
2024/07/20 | RFF-1905 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/06/29 |
2024/06/26 | RFF-1540 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/06/22 |
2024/06/26 | RFF-0084 | RY0AAN/p | RY0AAN | 2024/06/09 |
2024/06/25 | RFF-0992 | RO3M/p | RO3M | 2024/06/16 |
2024/06/25 | RFF-0177 | R4ADD/p | R4ADD | 2024/06/16 |
2024/06/25 | RFF-0262 | RY3Y/p | RY3Y | 2024/06/09 |
2024/06/25 | RFF-0177 | UA4AVN/p | UA4AVN | 2024/06/16 |
2024/06/25 | RFF-1865 | R1SA/p | R1SA | 2024/06/12 |
2024/06/08 | RFF-0426 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/05/18 |
2024/06/08 | RFF-0406 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/05/11 |
2024/06/08 | RFF-0363 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/05/04 |
2024/04/15 | RFF-0410 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/04/13 |
2024/04/15 | RFF-0208 | RY0AAN/p | RY0AAN | 2024/03/31 |
2024/04/11 | RFF-0429 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/04/06 |
2024/04/11 | RFF-0438 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/03/30 |
2024/04/11 | RFF-0404 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/03/23 |
2024/03/20 | RFF-0362 A | RA7KW/p | RA7KW | 2024/03/15 |
2024/03/20 | RFF-0362 A | R7KTA/p | R7KTA | 2024/03/15 |
2024/03/20 | RFF-0362 A | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/03/15 |
2024/03/10 | RFF-0422 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/03/09 |
2024/03/04 | RFF-0364 A | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/03/02 |
2024/03/02 | RFF-0423 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/02/25 |
2024/03/02 | RFF-0420 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/02/24 |
2024/02/15 | RFF-0424 | R7KFF/p | R7KFF | 2024/02/10 |
2024/02/15 | RFF-0084 | RY0AAN/p | RY0AAN | 2024/02/04 |
“A” following the reference number means, that activation is accepted by RFF but not uploaded to WWFF LogSearch due to reference is national, valid for “Sanctuary Russia” award series, but not valid for global “WWFF” award series.
Sanctuary Russia
This short, 2.5 minute video, "Sanctuary Russia" was created to mark the 100th anniversary of Russian protected nature system and was shown on Priroda TV channel as part of the Year of Ecology and the Year of the Specially Protected Natural Territories (2017). Besides that, it is freely available on YouTube. But, most probably, people who are not “obsessed” with the Flora-Fauna theme, did not even see it at all.
We just decided to pay your attention to it. Probably, it would be good to create a nook on our website, where to place the most interesting, in our opinion, videos about nature, reserves, etc. Someone prefers to look for and watch such things on their own — no problems, everything is in open access. Someone will probably find it more convenient to watch passingly something here. And, perhaps, random watching of something here will prompt someone to look for and see something interesting on the big Internet without our meddling help.
Who we are?
“Outdoor QRP Activity Group” — a group of amateur radio operators which actively using low power outside the home. This is not a club having a charter, membership numbers and contributions. This is a group of people who are actively promote and develop QRP operation in the fields, forests and other outdoors. There are no financial interests here, it's not a business, but the only hobby for us.
What may give the participation in our event to you? Nice mood, good recreation in nature with transceiver, opportunity to get the original award and using of our logos on your QSL-cards.
***UPD: The group was created in 2016 on the initiative of Vyacheslav (Stan) UA3LMR for maintaining of the annual “Field Flowers” QRP marathon. The group membership was changing over time, and in 2018, with the involvement in the WWFF (World Wide Flora and Fauna) amateur radio program and attempts to pick up the abandoned Russian part — RFF (Russian Flora and Fauna), the marathons were discontinued. QRP is no longer a determining factor, and is conditioned only by the ability of radio amateurs to transport autonomous power supply for radio equipment.
Vyacheslav UA3LMR passed us away in the fall of 2023. The RFF program is maintained now by the only person — Vitaly (Vit) RN3ANT.