2017 June 20 I went to Mt.Chausu.

2017 June 20     I went to Mt.Chausu.

2017 June 20 I went to Mt.Chausu.
Mt. Chausu is an active volcano. Altitude is 1,915m.
Grid : PM97xd
Marker : 37° 7' 32'' N 139° 57' 51'' E

Fair weather, north wind, wind speed 1 knot. The temperature is about 20.
70cm FM 1W and 6 QSO. 6m FM no contact .
It was a volcano, but an insect was a lot on the mountaintop and gave up setting an antenna. so handy whip only.

More pict :

I tried 6 m of Sporadic E.
R2017F из RFF-0475


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