Colleagues, I regret to inform you that the “Russian Flora and Fauna”, RFF, is suspending its participation in the “international” WWFF program until at least a new, more sober and realistic WWFF committee is in place.

RFF-H award applications already approved in WWFF Logsearch will be completed, new RFF-H applications through WWFF will not be temporarily accepted.

The uploading of logs for activating RFF references to WWFF Logsearch is temporarily suspended. The logs for activation of RFF-references are accepted and processed exclusively within RFF.

Appropriate comments will be made on references to the WWFF in all publications on the RFF website.
Subsequently, the RFF website will be fundamentally rebuilt.

The Russian Flora and Fauna program exists and continues to operate, the actual RFF reference book is published only on the RFF website.
Awards for QSO with RFF will be issued directly by the RFF program itself.

Discrimination of Russian radio amateurs, “amendments” to Russian laws, Russophobia and inaction of the WWFF-Committee are unacceptable to us.

To paraphrase the phrase of our President:
“The destiny of Russia will be determined by ourselves only…” — The destiny of RFF will be determined by ourselves only.

For all changes, additions, news of RFF, except our site, follow:
– in the corresponding thread on the Russian amateur radio forum QRZ.RU;
– in RFF telegram-channel.

73! RN3ANT, Vitaly
RFF coordinator

Congratulations to everyone who cares about the RFF program on the opening of the 2024 season!

Special thanks to very first activators:
– Ulyana RY0AAN for activation of RFF-0084, Krasnoyarskie Stolby National Park;
– Valery R7KFF (who would have doubted it!) for activation of RFF-0424, "Plachushchaya Skala" Habitat Preserve area!

I hope that this year we will show noticeably more impressive results than last year.

For my part, I can announce a significant addition to our reference directory coming in the near future.

There is not enough raw data for the 2024 rating yet, I will start it when there is enough data.

I wish everyone good health, great mood, excellent propagation and many new references in the individual scores.

73 & 44! Vit, RN3ANT

The “Fast Log Entry” (FLE) is updated. Current version is 2.12.
Now you can specify not only the band, but also the frequency.

The documentation of new FLE is already translated to Russian.

Results of “Field Flowers” outdoor QRP Marathon 2017 are published. Ranking tables are updated in accordance with the latest received logs.